


时间:2023-06-29 13:13来源:北京京西学校


从去年11月到今年4月27日,WAB 2023届学子持续收到各大世界顶尖名校的offer,并且,他们中的很多人都获得了名校的奖学金。一起来看看WAB学子取得的辉煌成绩吧!

With students currently sitting their final exams and getting ready to embark on new chapters, WAB is excited to share updates on the many university offers they have received.

As early as November last year, WAB students have been receiving early offers from top universities worldwide, many complete with scholarships. That list has continued to grow, with more offers from world-renowned and specialized university programs rolling in for WAB’s Class of 2023.

Acceptances include universities in Asia, Canada, the US, the UK, and Europe, spanning 143+ universities. Students have received offers in areas like cognitive science, medical sciences, psychology, economics, computer science, international relations, business, biology, molecular biology and genetics, chemistry, engineering, art, film, graphic design, fashion, and more. WAB’s Class of 2023 is a diverse, globally-minded student body, which is reflected in the breadth of majors they have chosen.

Rune K. is one student who is planning to study economics. He has received an offer from the University of Warwick to study politics, economics, and international relations but is also waiting for offers from universities in his home country, Norway. While living internationally for many years has been an influence on his interest in economics, his experiences at WAB have also shaped his decisions:

Although I was somewhat interested beforehand, it was actually Grade 10 Individuals and Societies here at WAB that got me fascinated in economics, when we looked at many aspects including growth and inequality. I therefore chose it as one of my DP subjects, and I feel like despite being a standardized syllabus, the way the teachers taught the course left me wanting to study it later, too.

Another student is Barbara Z. who will be studying Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in the US. She chose CMU because of its strong focus on STEM and the many resources, support, and research/work opportunities it provides.

“Initially, I decided to study Engineering because it combines my interests and strengths, but my DP Physics experience made me more certain of this major. I’m really grateful to our Physics teacher for creating a really fun learning environment in our class and building our curiosity toward Physics despite how difficult the topics are. Overall I really enjoyed taking higher-level STEM subjects for the IB, so naturally I’ll continue in this field in college,” she said.

Kiyan S. who will be heading to King’s College to study politics is looking forward to deepening his knowledge and gaining new perspectives about world politics.

“One of the things I enjoyed most at WAB was the diverse and international community. It allowed me to further foster my interests surrounding international relations,” he said.

WAB is so proud of all students and look forward to watching their journeys unfold as they continue to develop their skills and make a positive impact on the world.

Congratulations Class of 2023!



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北京京西学校 (WAB)创办于1994年,是北京首批批准设立的外籍人员...












